Analysis of the Youth NGOs Sector – OEEC
Research data

Analysis of the Youth NGOs Sector

Infographic presenting the results of the survey is available in English.

The analysis of the sector of civil society youth organizations, including the role and influence of their environment, is one of the sectoral analyses that the Office for European Expertise and Communications (OEEC) has been conducting since 2012. The aim of this analysis is to summarize the existing expert and scientific data regarding the development of specific sectors of the Belarusian civil society and complement it with quantitative and qualitative studies of the aspects, which have not been studied so far.

OEEC expresses its appreciation to the non-profit organization Pact for the idea of conducting a periodic analysis of civil society sectors in Belarus, and for its support in the development of the methodic and methodological basis of sectoral analyses.

OEEC highly appreciates the contribution of the representatives of non-governmental organizations: Belarusian Association of UNESCO Clubs, Brotherhood of Organizers of Student Self-Governance, Historica, Discussion and Analytical Society Liberal Club, Belarusian Students Association, League of Youth Voluntary Service, Youth Educational Centre Fialta, National Youth Council of Belarus RADA, New Group, Ecohome into the joint elaboration of the framework and the focus of the analysis for the team of analysts of the Centre for European Transformation, and into the subsequent discussion of preliminary findings of the analysis. The analytical overview is presented for public discussion and use by civil society activists, governmental and non-governmental specialists, donors, analysts, scholars, and other stakeholders in the country and abroad in their work, as well as for defining their priorities in the development of the sector of civil society youth organizations.

Download the full version of the analysis of the sector of civil society youth organizations.